Github Key Collection

My thesis work at the UTK USER lab was to build a program to collect every available cryptographic key associated with a user from github and performed quantitative analysis on the resulting data. These keys are used for two purposes; commit signing and user authentication for pushing remote code. Commit signing keys are used to ensure the identity of the developer who created the commit, while authentication keys are used to make sure the proper account pushed the commit. The objective of the project was to study how many users opt into this key system and what kind of keys they are using.

Certificate Parsing Website

My primary project while working in the MOA lab at UTK was the development of a website that would parse and display X.509 certificate files from various sources. The website allows for certificates to be uploaded in the form of Windows Portable Executables, raw DER binaries, or base 64 PEM files. All relevant information is then displayed in an interactive tree.

The website can be found here: There is also a blogpost explaining the development of the site here

Pepper Social Robot Development

During my time spent in the MABE lab at UTK, I primarily developed applications for the Pepper Social Robot. The primary goal of these applications was to assist those affected by Alzhiemers by performing various tasks to assist caregivers or nurses. The robot filled a variety of roles, ranging from performing common mental evaluation tests like the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), playing games with the patient, answering questions, or setting reminders. Actual development was done using Kotlin Android Studio's proprietary language built off of Java.